Model Checking Cheat Sheet
This is a quick cheat sheet for the various model checkers that I come into contact with. It is by no means exhaustive and might be added to later. I regularly found myself looking up this information to remind myself which model-checkers do what and using which languages to describe their models and specify their properties. Writing it down in one place seemed like a good idea.
What is Model Checking?
Model checking is a technique for verifying is a system is a model for a formula; that is, the system has whatever property the formula describes. Model-Checking tools verify that a system exhibits a property by exhaustively exploring that system. This means that model-checking generally requires finite-state systems and large numbers of states can make the problem intractable. However, automatic verification without having to write proofs can be very beneficial. Model-Checking is, relatively, quick; it can expose concurrency bugs, which are difficult to find by testing; and they produce a counterexample, a chain of behaviour that leads to a state that doesn’t exhibit the property, which is invaluable for debugging.
Model-Checking Tools
This table shows a quick summary of the model-checking tools, the languages used to describe the models, and the languages used to specify their properties.
Tool | Model Language | Property Language |
NuSMV | Binary Decision Diagrams | LTL or CTL |
SPIN | Promela | LTL |
PRISM | Markov chains or probabilistic timed automata | Custom language subsuming various probabilistic temporal logics |
UPPAAL | Timed automata | variants of TCTL and MITL |
FDR | CSPm | CSPm |
ProB/ProZ | B or Z | LTL |
Java Pathfinder | Java | Java |
NuSMV is a reimplementation of SMV model checker using temporal logics.
- Model Language: Binary Decision Diagrams
- Property Language(S): Linear-Time Temporal Logic or Computation Tree Logic
- NuSMV2 adds SAT-based model checking
- Text-based interface
- Interactive, and;
- Batch
SPIN stands for “Simple Promela Interpreter”, using temporal logics.
- Model language: Promela (Pro cess Me ta La guage)
- Asynchronous non-deterministic automata
- Loosely based on Dijkstra’s guarded command language
- Borrows I/O operations from CSP
- Property Language: Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)
- Designed for multi-threaded software
- Dynamic number of processes
PRISM is a probabilistic (and temporal logic) model checker.
- Model language(s): PRISM modelling language, which captures:
- Discrete-time Markov chains,
- Continuous-time Markov chains,
- Markov decision processes, and,
- Probabilistic extensions of the timed automata formalism
- Property Language: PRISM’s property specification language
- Subsumes several Probabilistic temporal logics: including PCTL, CSL, probabilistic LTL and PCTL*
- textual language, based on guarded commands
- Used for checking stochastic and temporal behaviour
UPPAAL is a tool for Real-Time Systems model checking using temporal logic.
- Model Language: networks of Timed Automata
- Property Language:
- A simplified form of Timed TCTL (for standard model checking queries – i.e. reachability, invariance, inevitability and leads-to )
- A weighted extension of Metric Interval Temporal Logic (for Statistical Model Checking)
FDR stands for Failures Divergences Refinement. it is the model checker for CSP.
- Model language: CSPm (machine-readable CSP)
- CSP process algebra, and tockCSP sections. Also has some formal programming concepts thrown in.
- Really a refinement checker, to the properties are specified in CSP as well
- Also includes basic checks for deadlock, divergence, and non-determinism
- Also includes Probe
- CSPm animator
- Used to be separate, but now nicely integrated
ProB/ProZ is a model checker for B (and Z) notations.
- Model language(s): B or Z specifications; also, Event-B, TLA+, CSPm, Promela
- Z specifications are converted into B-Machines
- Essentially for State-Based systems
- Has been extended for others
- Property Language: Linear-Time Temporal Logic
- Checks
- Invariants
- Deadlocks
- Properties in Linear-Time Temporal Logic
- Also has an animator
Java Pathfinder
Java Pathfinder (JPF) is a program model checker for Java programs. It has a specialised Java Virtual Machine that executes all combinations of threads and paths through a Java program.
- Model Language: Java
- Property Language: Java
- Set of defaults: deadlocks and unhandled exceptions
- Allows writing “little plugins” as Java listeners to monitor JPF execution
- Not lightweight because it runs on the program